Pathtic girl

Diary, short stories, the most important...
At first we learn to walk then learn to scream..

Sunday 11 September 2011

I am lost

Today I've lost the only thing I like about myself... Today and I can't blame anyone but myself.

I like my hair. That is the only thing I actually like about myself. I liked. Because it was long. Long and so comfortable. It felt good when I touched it and it felt even better when I played with that. I really liked mi hair. Actually I loved it but probably it doesn't matter anyway.

I wanted my sister to cut it because it needed it. The only thing I care about in my life. And I trusted my sister because it is important to me.

And now I have so short hair and I look so much fatter. But I really don't want to blame her. So it will be just my little pity... The truth about my hair... Something I liked. And now it is gone...

But I have no right to blame anyone but myself... Oh my god! Why am I doing this?

Please... Never let me go... Please..

And now... I don't like anything about me... I hate my body and I hate my hair even more. I am so sorry... But I really want to be brave about that.. Although I cried and cried. Although I am still crying and I think I will cry always when I see it again. Mirrors are now my enemies. Why did that happen?

It had to grow for 4 years... And it even didn't reach my waist. That was the dream I couldn't wait for. And it will never come true, will it?

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