I think I am trying to destroy myself... I mean...
Would would the God think of me? I believe in him and I know he's there, inside of me, and yet I don't pray. I don't thank him or beg him. I just know he's here and he'll always be there...
But I didn't want to talk about him. It's just like an viscious circle. You can't leave unless you give a huge sacrifice and I can't do that. Ever.
I cheated on my boyfriend once. It was only once and it was a half year ago. I think I'll never forgive myself that. But thank God that he did.
I wonder whether all people can feel it. That love I feel. It consists of everything... There is everything... Heart burning passion which makes my heart beat and beat so fast and my skin burn like a fire. But also has safety that calms all my body and destroyes the nightmares. And there is also the pure love. That feeling that you cannot describe any other way. It's there and it consumes our souls. And somehow I truly believe that it will never leave...
And I want to know whether all people can feel it. I wish they could because everyone deserves this feeling. I think that if you feel something alike, you cannot just be a bad person. Because love is supposed to bring everything good on the surface.
So that's it. That's my story. And maybe it won't be so exciting anymore for other people. But I believe that for me... it will always be exciting, when I have love on my side... right?